



When do the Musiktage take place?

The Master Classes of the Starnberger Musiktage 2024 take place on 24.3.-28.3.2024.
Travel day: 23.03. 2023


Where will the lessons take place?

The Master Classes will take place at three locations:

  • Städtische Musikschule Starnberg Mühlbergstr. 4 82319 Starnberg (Lessons)
  • Gymnasium, Rheinlandstraße 2, 82319 Starnberg
    Schlossberghalle, Vogelanger 2, 82319 Starnberg


Which deadlines do I have to consider?

  1. Registration deadline: 20th February 2024, Your application won't be considered until we received the payment of the application fee.
  2. Payment of the course fee (active participation): payment must be received by 1st March 2024


Which fees do I have to pay?

  1. Regular Master Classes: Die Kosten setzen sich aus der Anmeldegebühr und der Kursgebühr zusammen.
    1. The Application fee (€ 120) has to be oaid with the registration. Your application won't be considered until we received the payment of the application fee. It is not refundable, but allows the passive Tparticipation at all courses.
    2. The Course fee is € 300 and is due 01.03.2023. It includes:
      1. 4 lessons with the repective professor
      2. Live performance (Professors decide about the participants)
      3. Free entry to all the concerts druting the festival
  2. Bank account:
    Acccount Holder: Faviola
    Bank: Kreissparkasse München Starnberg
    IBAN: DE67 7025 0150 0027 5923 36

Important: If the Master Classes have to be cancelled because of the pandemic, application and course fees will be fully reimbursed.


Is accomodation included in the course fee?

Accomodation is NOT included in the course fee. Participants are kindly asked to organize their accomdation themselves.

To find an accomodation, please try or

Travel Time from Munich Main Station with the suburban train to Starnberg: about 33 minutes. Time tables are available at